Team building with chocolate not trust falls

Chocolate Mindfulness™

Custom 60-minute Wellness Workshop via our simple solution for burnout.

  • Intention Setting - To increase clarity

  • Guided Imagery - Visualize your most innovative self

  • Chocolate Mindfulness - Notice the aroma, texture, and taste of craft chocolate

  • Gratitude Journaling - Identify what you're grateful for using a one-word prompt.

Setting your intention is the power of the Chocolate Mindfulness experience.  Set your intention for how you desire to think, feel, and behave.  Example: "I'd like to feel content".  

Intention Setting

You have many responsibilities, both at work and at home. Guided imagery allows you to bring awareness to your multi-faceted self, focusing on what it feels like to have a certain responsibility, and asking yourself what you need.

Guided Imagery

Select chocolate from one of our sponsors (below). Use all of your senses, while you listen to the sound of the wrapper being unwrapped. Place the chocolate in your hand, noticing areas of dullness and shine. Breathe in the aroma of the chocolate, and taste the flavors.

Chocolate Mindfulness

Our Sponsors